Gwendolyn Alexander » Welcome to Ms. Alexander's Class

Welcome to Ms. Alexander's Class

RPMS VISION:  Rod Paige Middle School will foster excellence in teaching and in learning so that all students will meet their own individual potential.

 RPMS Mission:  Excellence in everything we do!

 RPMS Motto:  Respect. Pride. Motivation. Success.

RPMS Theme:  Level Up!

Welcome to Ms. A’s Classroom!

Covering Standards for:

  • Life Sciences
  • Earth Sciences
  • Physical Sciences


Grading and average grade distribution will follow the Lawrence County School District established standard: Daily/Homework Grades 25%, Test 50%, Exams 25%

District Theme: BELIEVE and ACHIEVE


     Class-A Motto:

Classroom Learning Expectations

1.Due to the implications of COVID-19 Delta Variant, students must maintain their own materials, as there can be no sharing.

2.Laptops are to be brought to class each day

3.Laptops are to be fully charged

4. Notes will be taken daily

5.Incomplete classwork is to be done as homework and turned in the next day

6. Participation in class activities is essential

7.Studying class material is critical to success



Daily General Approach to 5th Grade SCIENCE Lessons

  • Engagement/Bell Ringer
  • Q&A Discussion
  • The Day’s Lesson: Ms. A will explain the Science


Goals and Standards

  1. -          Lesson Starter
  2. ·         Vocab Heads-up and Lesson intro (video, etc)
  3. ·         Wednesday Vocabulary BINGO (weekly or at teacher’s discretion)
  4. -          Lesson Delivery
  5. ·         Teacher discussion and demonstration
  6. ·         Checks for Understanding (throughout lecture)
  7. -          Student Practice
  8. ·         Close-Reading Worksheet(s) Packet
  9. ·         Independent Assignment / Exit Ticket
  10. ·         Quiz/Assessment
  11. -          Deeper Thinking, Enrichment (periodically)
  12. ·         Journal Entries
  13. ·         Project/Investigations
  14. ·         Critical Thinking Exercises
  15. ·         Friday Game Day TRIVIA (bi-weekly or at teacher’s discretion)
  16. ·         Deeper Thinking, Enrichment (periodically)

The approach to reading material and packets will follow ELA protocol, which will be:

1.       Read

2.       Re-Read

3.       (Analyze) List keywords and phrases in each paragraph (or in each question if taking a test)

4.       (Site Evidence/Verify) For any questions required to be answered, count and write (or type) the number of the paragraph and the number of the sentence in the paragraph where the answer is found

5.       Choose the correct answer.

Each action in numbers 3-5, above, will be counted as one item and the value of each will be the same as counted on a scale of 100 total points.



First 4-week Syllabus:

      Week #                Subject          Standard               Curriculum

Week 1

              2 days


              3 days










Introductions and review of rules and classroom processes


The basic process of photosynthesis used by plants using sunLIGHT.

Week 2

              2 days



                 2 days






Ecosystems and Interdependence


L.5.3A.1, L.5.3A.2







Photosynthesis with insufficient or no sunlight.


Gathering and evaluating information on the 7 Biomes of the world and the type ecosystems environments they reflect: Polar/tundra, Aquatic (salt water/ocean, fresh water), forests(Deciduous/Temperate, Coniferous/Taiga), grassland/Savanna, rainforest)

Week 3

              4 days




Ecosystems and Interdependence













Introduce, model, and label a food chain; and trace its energy flow. Explain how the living things (organisms) in a food chain obtain energy—introduce Cellular Respiration


Expand food chain to a food web, discuss and interpret what happens to that ecosystem if a species of organism within that web were to be removed (die out, become extinct). Enter same discussion if a new (invasive) species is added—whether naturally or as transplanted by human beings.

Week 4

              4 days



Ecosystems and Interdependence







Human impact on food webs--good/bad